Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My apologies for the lack of posting, much of what has been running through my head lately is both of little interest to the public at large and also inappropriate for posting on the internet.

Scholarly endeavours have begun to more thoroughly set in -- I am as of the moment writing an essay in preparation for my tutorial concerning the significance of the title of "Sense and Sensibility."

I've figured that I need to budget my time better here -- my general approach to scholarship, which is Facebook for hours then work like mad right up to the wire -- are far more stressful here, and while generally I flourish under stress, the degree of stress is just too much with that approach here.

Speaking of budget, it's amazingly easy to spend massive amounts of money over here. So feel free to send cash.



I'm looking into coming back for next semester as well -- as much as I miss Nebraska and will continue to do so, I just don't think I can experience Oxford as well as I'd like in only one term. Not to mention, it would be fantastic on my resume. My grandmother isn't particularly keen on the idea, however, I fail to see the incredible difference between me being in Nebraska and me being here -- either way, it's not as if I can pop in for supper.

1 comment:

  1. While Nebraska would miss you, I totally see where you are coming from. Do whatever your heart wants, your grandmother will probably come around, to true on the supper part. It is probably more that you can't just come home for a weekend even if you wanted you know? We are all behind you 100% here with whatever you decide. Go live up life there and love every second!!!
